Volunteer Opportunities
Chilliwack Hospice Society has a variety of volunteer opportunities: Thrift Store Volunteers, Events / Fundraising Volunteers, and Client and Patient Volunteers.
Thrifty Boutique Volunteers
If you have a flare for fashion, enjoy designing displays, organizing donations, can identify treasures, enjoy meeting new people and work well on a team, the Thrifty Boutique would love to have you join them! The support offered by volunteers in our Thrift Store is a vital part of Hospice. Joining our team promises to be full of opportunity, rich with creative possibilities and personal connections.
Event / Fundraising Volunteers
If you enjoy being out in the community promoting the work of the Chilliwack Hospice Society, there are many opportunities for you. We hold several events annually as well as participate in different community events and trade shows all of which require volunteers to make any of this possible. Whether you can volunteer a few hours to help set up or take down or many hours to be a part of a committee, there is a fit for you if events and fundraising is your passion.
Client and Patient Volunteers
We have a great need for volunteers in many different areas including: Palliative One-on-One, Respite for Caregivers, Cascade Hospice Visiting Team, Hospital Visiting Team, Bereavement One-on-One, First Step Grief Support Group, Second Step Grief Support Group, Children and Teen Grief Support Groups including our annual Horse Whisperer Grief Camp, Relaxation Group, Group Facilitation, and Vigil Team. These roles require our volunteer training (see below).
Volunteer Training
We offer a 30-hour basic hospice volunteer training two times a year in the fall and winter. This core training is essential for those who wish to work directly with people who are dying and/or bereaved as Client & Patient Volunteers. The training covers topics such as: the History and Guiding Principles of Hospice Palliative Care; Advance Care Planning; Loss, Grief and Bereavement; Psychosocial and Spiritual Care; Pain Management; Communication and Healthy Boundaries; Family Dynamics; Confidentiality and Ethical Practice. There is a fee of $125.00 for the training to offset our administrative costs.
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Chilliwack Hospice Society volunteer! For more information about volunteering, please call (604) 795-4660 or email info@chilliwackhospice.org