Enjoy a cup of coffee and experience the compassion of our new drop-in grief support circle. Facilitated once monthly on Monday afternoons starting at 1:00pm by Jennifer Dacre, Bereavement Services Manager, our Coffee and Compassion Circle offers the opportunity to connect with others who are grieving the death of a loved one, to improve your understanding of the grief process, to ask unanswered questions in a safe, supportive space, and to learn about the free programs and services offered by Chilliwack Hospice Society.
Registration is not required. For more information, please contact Jennifer Dacre, BA, BA-CYC, Bereavement Services Manager, at (604) 795-4660 or email jennifer@chilliwackhospice.org
This Chilliwack Hospice Society program is provided free of cost thanks to the generosity of individual donors and businesses in our community.